Allemand also has a penchant for the syntax of emotion: the suggestion of a cold wind, a sideways glance or the composition of warring bodies conjures up a sense of melancholy, wistfulness or beatitude out of the noise of colour and bold sexuality. His narratives are as flowing and sensual as his forms, as though lifted from comics, a Russ Meyer film or even Baise-Moi; these girls require none of the frothy lifestyle porn Sex and the City dithers around neurotically.
These girls are the embodiment of the soul of modern cities: complex, streetwise characters with a firm grip on destiny who command every inch of the frame so slyly that objectification shirks in their wake like a withering male ego. Yes, the female gaze may still be misaligned and a distinct lack of dangling appendages is palpable; but with everyday goddesses such as Allemand's being produced, at least we're staggering tipsily towards some kind of enlightenment"
All artworks under 'Art for sale' are held in stock, and available to purchase from artists represented by La Galleria.
Please contact the gallery by emailing Elizabeth Mitchell at ​e.mitchell@lagalleria.org with any enquiries.